Thursday, April 19, 2018

Daniel Cangelosi, Clay Plyler, Eric Hildebrand

In this updated version of our prototype we made it more visually appealing to the client. We added more pictures which were related to the question asked. We also updated the scheme color to the colors of the actually gym.  We wanted to make the survey more professional and more attractive to potential clients while also including pictures of gym members and of the facility itself. We believe these additions and changes will help gain more customers through the use of the client survey.


Kroenke, D. M. (2015). MIS essentials. Upper Saddle River: Pearson.

Friday, April 13, 2018


Eric Hildebrand, Danny Cangelosi, Clay Plyler
Dr. Chung
April 13, 2018

Our prototype is a survey that gathers data about our customers preferences so we can provide them with the best possible experience. This prototype is important because it allows our company Level Up to target specific customers. If we can get enough feedback we will be able to satisfy most, if not all of our customer wants and needs. By catering to particular requests, we can determine what to physically include in our gym and it will ultimately increase business and productivity. With proper measurable feedback Level Up will also be able to create and maintain customer relationships resulting in more profit. Potential or current clients will answer questions about that they would like in our workout facility. At the same time, the customers will be learning about our dedication to them and more about Level up as a whole. This this Level Up’s unbiased approach to make proper business decisions and help our gym prosper.